Short Film
14 Min
A Comedian
DAVID QUIRK is Lester Faust, A COMEDIAN in a dystopian Sydney, Australia.
Written and Directed by
James Robert Woods
Produced by
Stephanie Jane Day
James Robert Woods
David Quirk
Lou Pollard
Chloe Martin
George H. Xanthis
Jay K. Cagatay
Ali Kadhim

Stewart Lee Introduces A Comedian
James Woods' short film A COMEDIAN uses the familiar milieu of stand-up to examine how supposedly independent artists can easily become mouthpieces for values and institutions they don't necessarily endorse, indifferent to the suffering of people they are perhaps obliged to represent. As all artists and news sources seem to be slipping into courtesan relationships with power A COMEDIAN is increasingly prescient. While its visual hues have the chrome sheen of high budget dystopian sci-fi, POV shots and impressionistic editing convey the self-loathing, paranoia and self-doubt anyone, and stand-up comedians specifically, can recognise. By the time we realise where we've ended up, it's too late to find our way back. Says more in ten minutes than many marquee movies manage in 120.